Three day vacation in Genova; Day 3: the Museum


Look, it’s been so long since we went to Genova that we don’t even remember what we wanted to say about the third day. Probably something about the ugly lights in parts of the museum, but honestly, it’s been five years, I’d hope they changed them by now.


Other than that, finishing this video has been a challenge. It was almost done years ago, but school/work/life got in the way and we never went around to finishing it. Finishing it this year was a bit weird, not only because it’s, well, quite a long time ago now, but also because, thankfully, we got better at filming and editing, so seeing how the video was edited before changing some things was a bit ridicolous. Long and pointless is an apt description of how it was; so, to the few people who will watch, be thankful that we’re not subjecting you to the old edit.