Miscellaneous objects from 2022


At the beginning of 2022 I decided to draw one thing every day.

This is something I tried to do in middle school, too, the main difference being the fact that I wanted to draw big epic scenes, complete photo realistic portraits and cool things like that. I ended up failing two months in, to the surprise of no one. This time though, I don't have the same delusions of grandeur I had as a kid and I decided to just stick to small things instead.

Now, at the end of January 2023, I can proudly say that this time I did it. Not only did i finish this big project, I also decided to do this every year and I’m currently filling a new canvas.

Here is a video of some of my favorite subjects from this self imposed drawing challenge. If I had to choose only one favorite, I'll probably say the takin. I saw a documentary about this ungulate the third day of 2022 and for some reason this weird but kinda cute animal stuck with me for the whole year, coming to mind at the most random times. 

If you asked me last January if I seriously thought I could fill this random piece of paper (found in a gift basket as cheese wrapping, no less) with a drawing for every single day of the year, honestly, I wouldn’t have been so sure, but now I can seriously see myself make this a personal tradition.

If you want to buy a print of this collection of things, I made a limited edition run of thirty copies, each numbered, signed and hand decorated with two additional drawings. The prints are available in the shop.

Objects from the year 2022

Leo's Photoalbum. Page #2


Three day vacation in Genova; Day 3: the Museum