The egg hu(n)t
(For the sake of entertainment, let's just ignore the fact that making a container for a single egg usually isn't really a bright idea).
Have you stopped baking cakes because your parrot keeps throwing your stuff on the ground?
Are you tired of cleaning eggs from you're floor?
Then THE EGG HUT is the perfect solution for you!
... Not really. This is a packaging exercise. Of course it isn't intended to actually protect your eggs, since it's not really reliable (one time the egg was safe, another it broke, and considering the rotten eggs were finished, we decided to not waste actual food).
Let's be honest: it's more of a cool thing to look at than a really useful object.
Let's start from where the inspiration for the shape came from. From a practical standpoint, the idea was to deviate the impact from the egg thanks to a cardboard cage-like structure and what could be considered a spring made of paper. The former was a callback to teepees, the latter to the structure of weaver bird nests. From an aesthetical point of view, I drew inspiration from the card game Magic the Gathering, specifically from the world of Kaladesh, where ingenuous inventors create extremely interesting stuff, but always in a really elegant art nouveau like style.
If we were to actually live in Kaladesh, this egg container would be made of brass and the individual parts would then be used to create a thopter. Pretty cool. Also, the egg would probably be that of an ostrich (or another big bird-like animal) and that would maybe justify making this thing a single egg container.
(Thopter art by Svetlin Velinov for Magic the Gathering.)