Silvia's sketchbook. Page #3.


With a whopping 12 months of delay, here are my thoughts on INKTOBER2019. I never took part in the challenge until last year and, while difficult, it was also pretty great. I never painted that many things in such a short amount of time. Also, I never painted using a single color with watercolor, only with ballpoint pens, and I absolutely fell in love. I discovered a great liking for both miniatures and monochromatic paintings, both of which I’ll do more in the future.


The materials I used are: Winsor&Newton’s black Indian ink and white ink. Two synthetic brushes by Borciani&Bonazzi (it seems I enjoy brands with double surnames). A very old and stained cloth. Everything was painted on a Moleskine notebook.


While I did enjoy all of the themes, the following ones were my absolute favourites:

  1. DAY3 Prompt: bait.
    Is a lure considered a bait? I'm not that good at fishing terminology.
    At first I wanted to paint the fishes too, so I masked their shapes, but in the end, I liked them better as just white silhouettes.

  2. DAY10 Prompt: pattern.
    The scales of a fancy goldfish.
    At the first scale I was excited, at the tenth supremely bored and by the last I somehow reached a state of machine-like calm. Cool.

  3. DAY14 Prompt: overgrown.
    While it does seem like there’s a dead body laying in the shrubbery, it is actually just a sleeping person.
    (However, I did use this scene some months later in a printing project and it turned into a dead body for real. It didn’t stay dead though! Check out the story here.)

  4. DAY15 Prompt: legend.
    The lovers Alcyone and Ceyx often referred to each other as “Zeus” and “Hera”. This angered Zeus so much he killed Ceyx, resulting then in Alcyone throwing herself into the sea, unable to live with her grief. The gods, deeply affected by this tragedy, in an attempt to atone for their sins, changed them both into kingfishers, or "halcyon birds".

  5. DAY21 Prompt: treasure.
    This one is pretty self explainatory to be honest.

  6. DAY29 Prompt: injured.
    I’m really proud of this one because I really got to see an improvement in the way I paint eyes now (or, well, last October) compared to the eye studies at the beginning of last year, like these ones in particular (which I had to improve a bit recently since the eyelashes were bothering me too much).

  7. DAY31 Prompt: ripe.
    Figs are tasty.


I added some of the paintings on our Society6, so if you’re interested in prints or some miscellaneous things with those subjects, give it a look over here.


P.S: I have no idea where to put this fanart. I don’t want to make an article just for that, but I also want to show it because I like it. So I’m gonna drop this here for the sole reason that it’s in black and white. That’s I.M from MONSTA X; I took some artistic liberties and painted way more piercings than he actually has. I painted this with Medibang on Leo’s phone, ‘cause I’m a thief.
(I have a few other fanarts I won’t make articles for here too, by the way).

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